My First...
/There is something special about a 'first'... your first date, a first kiss, a babies first steps. All an occasion for joy and celebration. As agents, we are lucky enough to be a part of a huge 'first' for several of our clients.. their first home!
Each month we will sit down with someone near and dear to chat about a few of their 'firsts'. This month we chatted with the wonderful Amanda!
What is your first memory of 'home' as a kid? In San Antonio when my parents brought my little sister home after being born.
When was your first time moving out of your parents home? 20, when I finished community college and moved to Gainesville to go to UF!
When was your first big trip away from home? I spent my summers as a kid with my grandparents in their motor home travelling all over the US to state + national parks as well as amusement parks!
What is your DREAM first home? I am living in my 3rd home and have loved all the homes I have lived in! I didn't necessarily have a dream first home… This is the first home that my husband Mark and I purchased!