My First...

There is something special about a 'first'... your first date, a first kiss, a babies first steps. All an occasion for joy and celebration. As agents, we are lucky enough to be a part of a huge 'first' for several of our clients.. their first home! 

Each month we will sit down with someone near and dear to chat about a few of their 'firsts'. This month we chatted with our fearless leader MaryAnne!

What is your first memory of 'home' as a kid? 

My first memory of home as a kid was our sweet 2 bedroom, 1 bath bungalow in Muncie, Indiana just steps from the school + church we grew up going to every day. My brothers and I initially shared one bedroom until our mom had a wall built to make 2 "bedrooms." My younger brother and I had a bright red bunk bed and my oldest brother graduated to his own room that was the size of a walk-in closet. Our home was so special--we sat by the fireplace during the winter months, my brothers and I would fight over the dining room heater in the mornings, my brother Joey had a special spot he ate breakfast in the morning and read the newspaper every single day, our dining nook is where we shared thousands of meal-just the 4 of us. My brother Tommy and I built our own rope swing out back, and the one bathroom became a huge source of chaos, especially in the high school years. Don't forget the front porch where many break-ups took place and of course, the terrifying basement I would lock my brother in. Looking back, I realized how crazy my brothers and I were back then--putting our poor dog down the laundry chute. It was small, but it was ours and its the only home I knew growing up.

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When was your first time moving out of your parents home?

I remember specifically when my mom and I packed up my room and headed to Greencastle, IN so I could attend DePauw University. It was so bittersweet and I remember my mom saying she would only stay to make my bed so that it wouldn't drag out our goodbye and make it any harder. I remember missing everything that was so familiar for so many years. I missed so many of my younger brother's sporting events, even though he was at every single one of mine. I loved my dorm room, my roommate Kate, and my new school, but the adjustment was hard and I looked so forward to coming home to my mom and brothers on breaks + holidays. 


When was your first big trip away from home? 

My first big trip away from home was in 7th grade. I saved up money ($1200) from babysitting, mowing yards, and cleaning houses so I could travel to Rome, Italy with a church group for a large, Catholic conference where we would get to see the Pope, tour the city, and enjoy food, culture, and sights in a foreign country. I remember drinking the sparking water and thinking it was terrible--and now, I love it! Ha! I was incredibly homesick but luckily, my best friend Clare was by my side the whole time and we made new friends, tried new foods, and had an incredible experience.

What is your DREAM first home?  

My dream home is not really a place or building. Its simply where my family is. My husband and I have moved 7 times in the 7 years we have been together and we have brought along our children 4 of those times. Its never been about where we live or what kind of home it is--its just that we are together. We have so many memories from each home and they continue to get better and better. Right now, we are beyond blessed to live right across the street from my mom, which has been so much fun for all of us. Our children walk across the street, hand in hand, to go borrow milk, bring her warm cookies, and just spend time with one another and its probably one of my favorite parts of my life.
